
Better Than Mediocre Monday

Remember a few weeks ago when we finally got the hardware for the kitchen cabinets? Well, the cabinets didn't have doors at that point, so there wasn't a spot to mount the hardware. Until yesterday!

It's been really hard to get anything done since the arrival of Mabel {since the arrival of news of the arrival of Mabel? . . .Since the day I was born with a head full of curiosity, expectations, and a short attention span?} but we do keep trudging along at a slow pace with a mental checklist of the things we need to do to finish up. How do other people do it?!?

Yesterday I received an e-mail {while at work} from the Mr. with the picture above attached. He had the day off and put the face frames on the cabinets. While the pic may look like a total mess to you, this was very exciting news to me.

By the time I got home, half of the doors were up!

By bedtime all of the doors were up, and Hi-C was ready to mount the handles. The cabinets are still unfinished wood, we haven't decided if we want to leave them natural or paint them white. The other thought is to finish them with a clear, water-based polyurethane so later we can paint them if we decide that would look better.

I can't even begin to tell you how happy, proud, excited, pleased, excited, proud, happy {did I say excited?} I was to have this nice surprise on a mediocre Monday.

Any thoughts, comments or suggestions for the finish? Praise I can pass along to the Mr.?

1 comment:

Aesthetic Outburst... said...

These look fabulous! Way to go!!! I like them as is (and would probably clear-coat), but that may be because we have white cabinets that I hate. Three cheers for finishing projects. I don't know how people do it either. xo, Abbey