Pardon the disappearance,we made it to the beach and had a lovely vacation. In fact, we came back so well rested we spent the past couple days doing some intense cleaning including, but not limited to: the refrigerator and steam cleaning all the rugs in the house.
Cleaning is not a normal pre-vacation activity, but I knew I'd be much happier coming home to a clean house than a messy one. Then spending a week in a house without stacks of papers and clutter made it hard to come home to a clean yet cluttered space.
With clean spaces all around and a well rested body and spirit, I'm finally ready to really tackle a few personal goals: really digging into Beautiful You, a book introduced to me by Amber Karnes. I meant to do the book club but didn't get my book until too late and excuses and more excuses.
Now I feel ready. What about you? Do you feel as beautiful as you actually are?
When other people look at you, I bet they hardly even notice any of the things you're secretly insecure about. We just see all the beautiful things that make you the one and only you we have.
PS -
Hope you enjoy "Beautiful You" -- all 12 reviews on Amazon are 5 star. (I would offer to be a book club of two with you if my own TBR pile weren't to the ceiling.)
I am so happy that Beautiful You found its way to you, and I hope its a great tool for you. So interesting to see that you went to school in Charlotte-- I taught in CMS. Mabel looks like a ray of light-- I bet she'll light up the hallways of her schools (and likely the lives of a lot of her peers). And one more thing- your Bonnie print and dress? Fabulous. I'm coveting it. All the best to you!
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