
Violet, you're turning violet!

Not all weekends are easy. This one was a hard one, but it had a few high points: picking wild violet blossoms in the sunshine while M napped on a blanket nearby. I gently washed the blossoms and, with C's help while I held M (who was having a don't-put-me-down weekend), preserved them by covering them in delicious local honey. Jam sounded like a good idea (or violet and orange marmalade?) but that was clearly not going to happen with M in my arms 90% of the time.

Who knows how we'll use them, but we will. Maybe by sweetening iced tea with honey, swirling the violets in for a pretty, vitamin-packed boost. Making a honey mustard dressing for a salad? Perhaps even simply taking a sweet spoonful when sickness starts creeping in. As a tasty treat on buttered toast made from homemade bread.

Violets are high in vitamins A and C, with a multitude of other health benefits.**

If M ever complains about her momma crawling around the yard picking wildflowers, I'll blame whichever childhood friend gave me Baker Smurf's Sniffy Book. I don't really remember the book, but I do remember the Smurfs eating wild violets, and the scratch 'n sniff violet.   I think I scratched that one the most.

**This is where I'm obligated to say: 1) if you try violets make sure you're picking actual violets, and 2) I'm not a health professional, just sharing info I've read in a variety of reputable places.

Did you have any fun adventures this weekend?


Misti said...

Good idea! My mom's violets have spread everywhere and there are so many!

Weekend adventures: camping!

Wolfie and the Sneak said...

You're not tired of camping after the big trip down the AT? :)