Last night I made the kale chips everyone keeps ooo-la-la-ing over. In summary: they're for people that don't like kale to begin with, as in, the chips tasted like paper thin, olive oiled, salted, nothing.
Also tried a crustless cremini mushroom and Emmental cheese quiche recipe that was described as custardy. The result: watery, baked eggs tinged with swiss cheese.
I presented dinner to C by placing the plate in front of him with a beaten down announcement, "Dinner: FAIL."
Ended the evening with Arrested Development, Girl Scout cookies, and my own tears as my little M wailed and I couldn't do anything fast enough to soothe her achy gums.
On the upside:
Spent the morning
Daffodils are in bloom--spring is near! {I also consider the daffodils a whisper of a hello from my Me Ma; this year she is also whispering glad tidings to Mabel}
Gearing up (oops--a week later than I'd planned) for my return to Modish with a project in mind (top pic) with a give away!

Daffodils are BLOOMING there? Geez, we're still getting snow. argh.
Yeah--we're supposed to get snow again next week. bleck.
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