We've been great about not spending lately, the tiffin tin has been used daily (by C, not me. . .i just take a plate wrapped in tin foil or wax paper, so unglamorous), and the meals have been uber-fresh! We still receive

Maybe we'll have basketball sized tomatoes. Or larger. Sounds like a really bad horror movie, I think.
This past weekend, though, the farmer's market held a tomato tasting, and while I didn't get to try all of the tomatoes, I tried at least 10. And came home with 4 or 5 pounds of them, ranging in color from pink to black, and have yet to have a proper tomato sandwich this year. That needs to be remedied.
As always, many other things are in the works, but they're not ready for showing. Soon though, friends, soon.
What's going on in your neck of the woods? What's inspiring you or keeping you busy these days?
2 things for your perusal:
The Museum of Useful Things carefully curates well designed goods with absolute utilitarianism, making you feel like you need one of everything not only because it looks good, but also because you actually need it.
The Lena Corwin contest results over on Design Sponge are pretty and inspiring!
I love reading about all of your food adventures on your blog. I love fresh produce as well. I have been focusing on having no food waste at all. In fact I had some delicious super ripe organic white peaches that were getting bruised so I made a fresh peach pound cake and handed it out to my neighbors (pound cake is so buttery and sugary... I couldn't let it stay in my place too long or I'd eat it all). Today I am making Pappa al Pomodoro with these great sauce tomatoes I got at the farmer's market, a loaf of stale bread (went hard as a rock in 2 days!) and broth that I made from chicken bones from dinner two nights ago (sorry vegetarians...). Thanks for all of the inspiration!
wow! all of that sounds so delicious! I'm working on minimizing kitchen waste, too. we've eliminated plastic wrap and use (and reuse and reuse. ..) aluminum foil; the same with unbleached wax paper. Sharing pound cake with your neighbors is awesome, I'm sure it's a special experience for them--I mean, how many people do that these days? Not many, I'm sure.
Anyway, thank YOU for the inspiration!
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