Phew! I finished--finally! I know it doesn't look like at lot of work, but I had some serious issues making decisions and trying to get the recipe cards to look a little bit old and grimy vintage, and somewhat original.
If you would like them as a pdf, email nobiting {the at symbol} gmail {period} com, and I'll be glad to send it to you FREE!

And then some little gems in the garden, from exploring the world through a bug's eye view.
(Which is something of a tiny thread like hint for today's post on Modish)
If you would like them as a pdf, email nobiting {the at symbol} gmail {period} com, and I'll be glad to send it to you FREE!

And then some little gems in the garden, from exploring the world through a bug's eye view.
(Which is something of a tiny thread like hint for today's post on Modish)
Watermelon? Mmmm.
Oh no! The pretty picture of your recipe cards is gone!
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