In the mean time, Wolfie is sick and shaking and I'm fairly worried. It just started today, so maybe by the morning he'll be better? If not, I'll wisk him away to the vet in the morning. Forget work when you've got a sick little one!
Here's a little eye candy in the meantime. The wallpaper is really mirrored. Oh if only I had a before picture: beige carpet twenty-some years old and cream walls. I refinished the stairs last winter (the rule is outside work in the spring, summer and fall, inside work in the winter) and this past weekend started to add a coat of true white gloss to all the trim. It's such a fresh and clean space now and the architectural elements really pop out. The cats now think they have doubled in population, but seem to wonder why the "new cats" don't come out of the walls to play. Either that or they're way more narcissistic than I realized.
I just think that your wallpaper looks absolutely ballsy and amazing. What do visitors think? I would just be nervous that it shows every little bump b/c I find mylar hard to work with.
So sorry about Wolfie. Hope the little guy is doing okay.
PS Thanks so much for visiting my little blog, too.
Oh yeah! I loooove checking in on your blog!
We haven't had visitors since the paper went up. The house is really funky vintage all over, so I'm sure anyone that will come over won't be surprised at my choice! It really reflects (no pun intended) our personalities, which is what I am striving for in the rest of the house eventually. We'll see how that goes. It's more difficult than I imagined to stay focused on the tasks at hand.
Thank you and several others for the concern about Wolfie. He seems to be gradually getting better. It's so strange.
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