and the cards for me and the boys to mail out from HeatherJeany's Etsy store (right). I've been asking the mister if we could get a Christmas tree for several weeks now, but I imagine it won't be a typical one if we do get one, probably a tinsel tree or an aluminum one in some bright, fluorescent tree in all of its radiating glory. They're a fairly hefty investment to be on display a couple weeks a year, though, and I'm not too crazy about getting a live cut tree. Ah the age-old holiday tree debate.
I can imagine driving a live one home, strapped to the roof of the family station wagon, lightly snowing, me and Hi-C singing Christmas carols with our own, made-up, and usually excessively crass lyrics. Call it something of our own Leg Lamp holiday tradition. Or maybe a tree with the rootball still in tact. So many options.
This is all, of course, daydreaming, and the reality is that we'll decorate our table top tree, an animal will knock it over and break half the glass ornaments and the holiday spirit will then be broken. In the meantime, I will continue to believe I have perfect pitch for

Ok, I just wandered over the the leg lamp site and they have leg lamp bottle stoppers. That, and you gave me a good excuse to place my sciplus order early. Your blog is just dangerous for my pocketbook :)
Those stoppers blink! I didn't even see those the first time I visited that site. Holy cow.
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