I'm not much on talking about my process--it's kinda boring. I'll start learning about something and think, "OH! That would be fun to record as a drawing" so I start drawing. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The past week or so I've been drawing rope and knots. {. . .Actually longer, but the past week is about how long I've been thinking of a knot poster.}
So it starts with pages of drawings, some that make it into the final poster, some that don't. They're scanned in as jpgs and the original drawings then go into a big
On this particular one I also scanned in kraft paper (aka a grocery bag) for texture.
Then I start in on the layout, moving things around in Photoshop until I like the way it flows visually. Next comes color. Sometimes the color makes me rethink the layout, sometimes it clicks and I am happily, miraculously, fantastically in love with the image before me and I know I'm done. Usually, though, it's a process of playing around, then printing the possibly-finished-piece, taping it to the wall and staring at it. I'll get up, move around, lose myself in the internet, sneak a look over my shoulder and see if the satisfied feeling sinks in. If it doesn't, I sit down and make the changes I think will make it work. Print them up, distract myself for a bit, sneak a look. . . and so on. This dance can go on for days. At some point the image feels done but hopefully not overdone. Then I unveil it to the world wide web.
If you want to read the illustration about the process, click on the image or clicky clicky here.

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