But I saw it, and that little glimpse was enough to get me thinking about warmer seasons ahead. It didn't help that Grow Great Grub arrived in the mail, or that I found a copy of the out-of-print cucurbit compendium, The Compleat Squash. They just encouraged, nay, pushed!, me to buy a pot maker and soil blocker.

A few more bullet points on the to-do list: I need to do a little more hardscaping, get rid of the turf grass around the pond and plant more clumps of native sedges and shrubs (which might mean I move my Flying Dragon Citrus trees to another spot) and finally cut down the barely-clinging-to-life walnut tree.
The raised beds need to be rethought. I don't like how segregated they feel. Let all plants interact, I say!
Is there such a thing as non-invasive clumping bamboo? I'd love to have a more sustainable source for trellising.
And some plants I'm determined to try out and/or have success with:
Artichoke {Twice I've planted, once I let the little seedlings dry out and die, the second time the hens took care of them}
Elderberry {I'm particularly smitten with Black Lace, although something with a heavier harvest would be equally welcome}
Jerusalem artichoke {I planted a few last year, but want to leave them where they are. Now I want to plant more in a place I'll be okay with harvesting the tubers}
Jicama {Bought a tuber at the farmer's market just for kicks. We'll see!}
Luffa {the first year it failed, the second year it was a mis-labeled Delicata squash}
Lunaria Annua {Something about this plant reminds me of my childhood and I have no idea why. It's probably a pretty silly plant to be smitten with. So common, but what can I say? I'm a common kind of gal.}
Oregano {I had some in a wooden drawer in the front yard. It got so root bound I think it pretty much killed itself off. Who knew oregano was so self loathing?}
Thyme {Never tried it. I know. What!?! Don't most people start gardening with the common herbs??}
Witch hazel {I want that yellow. in. my. garden. now.}
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