"Challenges" might be the theme for the new year, and I'm up for it:
More home cooking! More fresh veggies, less plastic and mileage on our food!

So far I've got a personal challenge to build Wolfie and the Sneak's efficiency. What does that mean? It might mean sending some prints off to a green printer, coming up with a few more paper goods that require less intensive up front work; basically being able to make art and having time to snuggle up with my little Mabes.

Reassessing my long term priorities: maybe this year will be the year I decide what to be when I grow up! (Maybe not, though, not gonna put too much pressure on 365 measly days!) Some of this might involve: becoming a master composter, becoming a master gardener (this is a program you have to apply and be accepted to become a part of), finish my Permaculture Design Certification.

One Small Change challenge on Hip Mountain Mama is right up my alley. You'll see small changes periodically, and we'll definitely take any tips you might have to green up our lives here in Sneakville!

1 comment:
Happy New Year :) What a sweet photo of bub, how can they looks so sweet and be so challenging, sometimes? It doesn't seem possible, but I know how it goes! Hope she settles more easily tonight.
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