Is that the most cynically optimistic thing I've ever written here?
It's just scary. And so is tax time for the freelance family. (Anyone know how to get rid of this computer-induced twitch in my left eye?)
And I think I heard the little critter cry out in my belly. Or wait, was that gas working it's way through my kinked up digestive system. Either way, good times.

That's not a great segue (for anything, actually. ever.) but Modish and Cosa Verde have teamed up to offer a giveaway with prizes that total well over $1000!
Hopefully that's enough good news to tide you over as you read a little about the woman who almost became V.P. 'Cause, yeah, it's good for the environment to drill in the arctic regions. Yeah. Uhhh. Errr. Ummm. Yeah.

Back to the good stuff! A couple weeks ago the fabulous Ms Willi Galloway wrote and asked if I wanted to team up to do a seed and recipe swap. How could I not??
Here are the deets: Join the swap on Swap-Bot (a big apology to those outside the US. . .customs isn't into international seed swapping, but maybe someone will put together one for another part of the world??) The deadline to sign up is April 21, and the deadline to get your seeds a-shippin' is a week later, the 28th. The password for the swap is: DigginFood. You send a favorite recipe and some seeds to grow one of the ingredients, you receive the same in return. . .then you go to the flickr group to show off all the goods!
If you want an extra special, extra cute recipe card to jot yours down on, you can use the ones I designed. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. See the button over in the left hand column? Just down

That's a whole lotta fun for a couple of stamps, my friend!
if you expect good to come then it won't because you are expecting it and taking it for granted? I don't know how to help you there:) I think good exists in everything and what you give credence to is what persists. You've got a lot of positive changes on the way, I think:)
Your recipe/seed swap is such a wonderful idea. I wish I had a place to grow.
thanks ma'am.
This whole experience is a hard one to swallow, and though I know I need to see the positive in it, I'm struggling to do that.
But you're so right: good exists in everything and what you give credence to is what persists.
I just need to keep repeating that to myself.
1. I am now indeed gathering that you are with child. + I'm thinking that is oh so great! Congratulations family to be.
2. Re: "a superstitious belief that if you expect good to come, you won't receive it because it means you're taking it for granted".
I say...
Rather than expect, simply trust that good will come, and it will. Once it does, you won't take it for granted, you will be grateful!
1. is a new and scary experience for me! I'm pretty fond of knowing what the future holds. . . so we'll see!
2. I'm trusting. . .that's about the only option we have right now. Another thing we'll just have to wait and see about. And remaining grateful for what we have and what may come is a must. Thank you for sharing your wonderful thoughts. I'll carry them with me!
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