Anyone else out there doing the 365/1 a day photography exercise? I am, I started late, and am already having difficulty finding the motivation. The nice thing is, Hi-C is teaching me photoshop as I go. It's a new daily ritual around Chez Sneak for me to take a whole bunch of really bad pictures, then sit down at the computer with the Mr. so he can teach me the secrets he learned as a professional retoucher to make my images a little better. Bear with me as I learn.
But yeah, I guess you didn't know he used to make women skinnier, blemish free, and bustier, did you? What a strange skill that is.
If you've noticed, there are a few changes being made to the layout of this here blog. Every once in a while I think of things I'd like better, so I switch a few little details around. Have you noticed? What do you think?
Unfortunately, my disorganized approach wasn't the best way to do

it. I've lost some links and some of the download buttons I had listed previously. Bit by bit I'm remembering them (for instance, I totally forgot to add the Peer button which should've been the first one on my mind. Sheesh.) but if you notice one missing, please let me know--it wasn't on purpose, just an oversight! I've also got a special little section for fellow North Carolinians. Consider it an NC Affirmative Action program--I feel like we've been slighted by the Jesse Helms/Nascar/Southern stereotype, so if you dispel the bigot myth, let me know and I'll probably link to you! (Probably because it is my blog and I reserve the right and all that.)
Now there are buttons for downloads, a list of seeds to trade, a few goals of mine/ours. It's a series of addition and subtraction, all part of the cycle.
Ahhh, new directions. Where are you going, and which vehicle will you take to get there?
I'm doing the 365 project, too. It's hard to find pretty things to take pictures of right now, being stuck in the house all day - all the beautiful colors of the summer are gone, all the pink decorations are almost packed up, I'm left with whatever I'm doing during the day. Learning Photoshop tricks would be a huge incentive for me. I'm jealous that you have an in-house consultant!
I've seen a lot of people doing the 365 project! I would do it, but I already have things on my plate.
You want passiflora? I have passiflora edulis. I could probably send you a few seeds. They are very slow to germinate, though.
I think I have some white swan acorn squash seeds if you'd like some. Things are looking great around your site!
Jessie--I'm not sure my in-house consultant is so glad I have him as a resource, but I'm taking advantage of it!
Misti--I'd love a few passiflora edulis seeds. Is there something you'd like to trade for?
Amy--white swan acorn squash sounds awesome--what would you like to trade?
I love your blog so I've given you an award! :)
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