We're taking the time to do other things, realize priorities, appreciate each other and all that we have.
And sharing. Lots of sharing. Like we did on Heavy Petal, but as all good things must end, today we'll find out the big winner! I've really enjoyed reading all of the comments coming in about the posters, and what tickles each person's fancy.
All of the posters have been placed in shops outside of our own, and if Craftland is any indication, they'll all be gone by December 24. There are 2 airplants and 2 pods left in the Indie Fixx shop {and 2 calendars, because apparently my work likes to travel in pairs, they should know better than to expect any sort of artistic flood this time of year} and I don't think Jen will be restocking them. . .so don't say I didn't warn you. When they're gone, they're gone.
But! You have another chance to win something good from us here at the ol' Wolfie and the Sneak Headquarters, and entering to win will also contribute to a very good cause--that's a win-win all around!

Comment on the post where Scoutie Girl has offered up a Wolfie and the Sneak Calendar and for every comment, Miss Scoutie Girl herself will donate 10 cents to the Young Survival Coalition, a nonprofit dedicated to action, advocacy and breast cancer awareness.
This group concentrates on educating women under 40 about breast cancer--because yes, it does happen to us, too, ladies.
Breast cancer runs in my family--it took my grandmother before I was old enough to know her, and though she was over 40, it's a startling reality to understand that I'm at risk, too. Even at this "young" age of 31.
So go and comment, please! You can count the small amount of energy it takes to type a few words as your gift to me... and countless others touched by breast cancer.
1 comment:
Thanks for posting this, Renee! I posted on the YSC bulletin board, too. I'm thinking about upping the value to $1.00 per comment....
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