Hi-C's homebrewing has taken on a whole new level--he's now doing all grain brewing, which has led to the purchase of a turkey fryer and a new stove to replace the quirky old 60s version (one eye only functioned on high heat even when set to warm, one didn't work at all, the timer and clock functions didn't function).
The new stove was a floor model (which meant we still got the manufacturer's warranty) with a little dent you can't even see when it's installed and was 60% off.
Probably not what most people are doing right now--buying appliances, but when the time comes and you need something, the old clunker doesn't know what the economy is like anyway.
The stove has already brought many an inspired soups to our table, mostly made of vegetables lost to the back of the still-quite-quirky refrigerator (its replacement is destined to come soon, but will have to wait until necessity calls). Said soups are usually simmered on the stove for hours in my favorite pot: a red Le Creuset dutch oven, lovingly watched with secret whispers of thanks to my Aunt Jann and cousin Sara, who gave us the pot for a wedding gift. Stirred with a simple wooden spoon and the soup experience seems nearly magical. I've decided one magical pot is not enough, and have added another, a bright blue Kobenstyle Dansk Enamelware pot from Betty Ninja Finds. Can you imagine the culinary inspiration derived from such gorgeous primary colored excellence? It was, after that purchase (and caving and buying a Kaj Franck bowl on eBay after longing for one for quite some time) that I realized the buying spree should end.
So, about that spending. . .
Next week on Modish I'll be posting on Black Friday. The day the holiday madness shopping begins. Instead of focusing on spending (or not spending) and what to buy, I'd like to do something of a mad lib and I want you all to be a part of it.
It's simple-- just reply (either in the comments or via email) with the first response that springs to mind with the following words:
Gift-Giving Holiday:
One thing on your wants list: (add a link to a site or to an image that represents this if you have one)
So, that's it! What do these words make you think of? What sort of plans do you have for the upcoming holidays? See you tomorrow friends. xoxo
Budget: pack
Gift: wrap
Gift-Giving Holiday: tiring
Value: less
Currency: £
Give: receive
Receive: give
my want...http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=17544472
Gift-Giving Holiday:pink
And I'd love.... something from this collection http://www.outregallery.com/browse.aspx?Category=154
Can't wait to see what you're doing with this!! xo
Economy: government
Budget: excel
Gift: present
Gift-Giving Holiday: obligation
Value: village
Currency: money
Give: receive
Receive: receipt
And one from my SUPER LONG WISH LIST FROM AMAZON.COM that I have been adding to consistently since the year 2000. My second-most-recently added item: http://www.amazon.com/Guidelines-Document-Designers-Daniel-Felker/dp/9997797507/ref=wl_it_dp?ie=UTF8&coliid=I3RBJET2RIVYB0&colid=1G8TB792C28ZZ
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