
lists and things

I always check out who favorites me on etsy, and today I saw that someone named macyd had favorited a couple items. Upon further investigation, (ie clicking on her profile. . .) I found her blog, and it's super fun groupings of cool objects, usually themed for the day. Check it out here: Poesia, but hide your wallet first, 'cause the girl has a great eye for design.

Also, vote for the Craftiest Bastard! (Might I suggest Jaime Zollars? Her work is A.A.A. or Always Above Awesome)

Bored out of your gourd? One Pretty Thing has a list of tutorials that will fill up your to do list faster than you can say "Those are the prettiest thank you letters I've ever seen!"

This weekend I'll be doing 3 days of Habitat Steward Certification; two days in a classroom, one day in the field.
As described on the National Wildlife Federation website, I will be fulfilling these goals:
Habitat Steward™ Volunteer : Help people in your community to create and restore wildlife habitat. There are two levels of involvement: Steward and Host.
Stewards take the intensive, hands-on training facilitated by the Host. We ask that Stewards make a commitment of providing 30 hours of service to NWF within a year of completing their training. A small sampling of the projects Stewards have accomplished includes:
  • Consulting with neighbor about filling habitat needs in their backyard
  • Speaking at civic association meetings about the importance of wildlife habitat
  • Writing articles for local newspapers
  • Distributing habitat information at a local festival
  • Helping volunteers at a local school to certify as a Schoolyard Habitats® site

* * *Are you ready for a big drum roll? It almost seems anticlimactic to unveil something so exciting at the end of this post, but I can't keep it secret any longer, so here goes: * * *

But that's not the only super special project I'm working on. For the past several weeks I've been curating a coloring book of magnificent proportions. 25 artists, 25 self portraits, and I'm ready to say they're available for preorder! I'll be unveiling the artists this week, and you will be amazed with the list involved (including the 4 sneak peeks above: Lisa Solomon, Jessica Gonacha, Frances Hawthorne, and Julianna Swaney also known as Oh My Cavalier!).

I have a feeling this will be an ongoing project, I think there are so many artists I'd love to have involved in future volumes.


lisa solomon said...

can't wait to see the whole thing!

Rachel@oneprettything.com said...

Aww, thanks so much for the mention, I'm so glad you're enjoying the site. I'm super excited about the book! SO many of my favorite bloggers and artists are involved-it can't be anything short of fantastic!