Until last night, when I discovered: Beets are good! And so is quinoa! And together, they're incredible! I sprinkled them with olive oil and salt then roasted the beets on 250 for 4 hours. They were peeled and cubed them, sprinkled with salt and a little lemon juice and ready for the munch down. The quinoa was cooked with veggie broth, also sprinkled with a bit of lemon juice and a healthy dose of feta cheese. It would've been good without the cheese, but it actually made the dish much "meatier" tasting, which is good for getting the Mr. to eat it.
Then there were the sauteed onions, garlic and veggie sausage. Salty and flavorful, a nice offset to the tartness and earthiness of the beets and quinoa. It was a hit! The carnivore cleaned his plate! Success!

With all this cooking, though, where is the time for art?? My hands are constantly crusted with dirt (and now my nails are stained from the beets), and I'd like to add a layer of ink and paint to them, too. With all this eating, where is the time for living?!?
New distractions: picnik (yes, still. it's new to me and novel. and soooo much better than paint, which was my only option here at work for a while.)
Cooking, cooking, cooking.
Waiting for our corn to sprout. Although, thanks to the Omnivore's Dilemma, I feel pretty guilty about planting it in the first place. Oh well.
Things that I want: To do when I grow up: Be a full time draw-er. Speak another language fluently. Live elsewhere. (Hello Charlotte, you're bad art bloomers are showing again. I'm really embarrassed for you. Please, in the future, at least try to disguise your cultural ineptness so the rest of us don't feel the need to crawl under rocks and hide.)
Somethings of reasonable fortitude: Shunning the morning bagel. This morning it was replaced with beets and quinoa (leftovers).
Cooking, cooking, cooking.
Waiting for our corn to sprout. Although, thanks to the Omnivore's Dilemma, I feel pretty guilty about planting it in the first place. Oh well.
Things that I want: To do when I grow up: Be a full time draw-er. Speak another language fluently. Live elsewhere. (Hello Charlotte, you're bad art bloomers are showing again. I'm really embarrassed for you. Please, in the future, at least try to disguise your cultural ineptness so the rest of us don't feel the need to crawl under rocks and hide.)
Somethings of reasonable fortitude: Shunning the morning bagel. This morning it was replaced with beets and quinoa (leftovers).
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