February 12: Two years ago in front of the kindest of strangers and long distance friends, we signed a paper stating the process would be a whole lot more difficult if we decided to "break up".
A few good-hearted Canadians accounted for it, with the blessing of a country that doesn't delineate acceptable standards of love.
February 26: Two Years ago: we told each other, in front of family and friends (and a keg of PBR) life wouldn't always be easy, but that we would stick it out through the tough times, and laugh and play through the easy times.

And so far, we haven't lied! And to be honest, even the hardest of times have been perfect. I wouldn't have it any other way.
A few good-hearted Canadians accounted for it, with the blessing of a country that doesn't delineate acceptable standards of love.
February 26: Two Years ago: we told each other, in front of family and friends (and a keg of PBR) life wouldn't always be easy, but that we would stick it out through the tough times, and laugh and play through the easy times.

And so far, we haven't lied! And to be honest, even the hardest of times have been perfect. I wouldn't have it any other way.
This post makes my heart go all squishy.
You married in Canada? I want to hear all about it! What a great idea to exchange vows in a country that doesn't discriminate based on who you love. <3
It was a super quick, super cheap trip, but it was soooo perfect! Basically we knew when/where we were going (Toronto) but not sure about the witnesses, the officients, the details. So we planned the trip, got the cutest most affordable hotel room we could find, emailed a couple people and jumped on the road. All organized by the begging/pleading/email method.
The city hall was a little shocked we were straight and coming up there to get married, but I didn't want to support the way the US practices marriage.
There are a smattering of pics in one of my flickr sets
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