
Dainty Spring Days

I have added a new drawing of flowers to the shop. They're all deemed to have "inferior ovaries." Sort of funny to me, because it translates so differently on a human level.

Terramia. . .such a lush and beautiful blog. Have you been there? I first found it today, a quiet Spring Sunday, and the mood of the blog fit perfectly with the weather and mood around our home.

Other things to match the mood?

A doily inspired bike basket (just under $40) from cb2 makes me want to paint my bike grass green and go to the market. (Not that we have a "market" beyond a super market, but this girl can dream, can't she?)

Life in the 21st Matryoshka Doll Pillow, $28.00, from Urban Outfitters.

Natalie's (Neblo Peklo) new work. Such wonderful lines!!!


Tess said...

That bicycle basket is my biggest dream right now!! Covet. Covet.

Anonymous said...

oh I love the pillow!!

Thanks for the link :)