Well both instances seem to have worked out, but for now I will only tell you of one, which has halted all housework, work on the store site (which does need a lot of work!), and work towards the second opportunity. . so if it's not too much to ask, please keep your fingers cro

So what is this big secret?? I've been hired to make a pile. . .a BIG pile. . . of record totes to be give-aways out west. Portland and Seattle for sure, maybe Oakland, too. So, I've taken this week off from my "real" job to play full-time crafts person, hired out a trusty assistant and am getting the job done.
I get a week, however brief, to do what I've dreamed of since my earliest of memories! What inspiration it has given me to keep the momentum and keep searching for opportunity. Which also has to do with secret number 2!
oakland? oakland??? where?? where??
record tote? coolness!!!!
yay for you!!!!!!
Where will they be in Oakland? I'm not very far away from there. What giveaway??
Tell us more!
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