Somehow between my 80 gazillionbillion other projects, I would like to find time to make a pinafore style dress for myself. . .and to post on
Tie One On. Of course, we'll have to wait and see about that. In the meantime, here are some images from Fashion Week and current catalogs that scream
pinafore to me.

On the subject of domesticity, if you associate the pinafore as a domestic form, yesterday I made 2 ice cube trays of pesto, sans cheese, and stuck them in the freezer. It is a trick I learned from the
You Grow Girl Forums, to take the natural abundance of basil and save it over the winter for that just picked, lovely basil flavor. Actually yesterday consisted of a slightly frustrating visit to Hancock Fabrics (Why is it when you tell someone you don't need a bag they guffaw, hem and haw, and give you a bag anyway?*This rant will be continued later.) A quick trip to the grocery store, then onto the house to finish up some pillows for the October craft show, the pesto experience, followed by making a buckwheat noodle variation of the Udon Noodles with Walnuts and pomegranate dish from October's
Vegetarian Times. After all was said and done, me and my man cuddled on the couch through 2 episodes of Grey's Anatomy. Really, once Grey's Anatomy starts, all household productivity ends. Patrick Dempsey was my delicious dessert. Mmmmmm.
Onto the frustrating bag rant: I bought 4 bags of fiber fill, already in plastic bags, with an assortment of small notions. The notions easily fit in my small tote sized purse, and the fill was already in bags (the package). So after I told the cashier that I didn't need a bag,
twice, she went ahead and bagged everything for me anyway. I would rather not have a bag to feel the need to "Reuse," I'm more of a fan of the "Reduce" philosophy. This has happened a multitude of times, not just at that store but at many, many stores. Why is the concept so difficult? I have to hands and can ably carry things with them.
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