
Door Prizes: Week 1

This might be fun. . .
The first 5 people to leave a comment this week will receive a door prize for stopping by.
This week it will be a mixed package of 8 types of seeds, some more unusual than others, bu tI won't tell you what they are. Yes, they will be viable and not old stuff I haven't gotten rid of.

If you're up for freebie seeds, stop in and say hi!

. . . And don't forget to leave me a way to get back in touch with you!!


Unknown said...

Alas, I have no room for mystery seeds... but since I enjoy your blog I thought I'd stop and say hello anyway! :)

gardenmomma (Chris) said...

Well, thanks to Garden Voices, I found your sweet blog. I would have commented without seeds...but seeds will work, too. I might even send some back! I'm excited for you in all your planning! We moved into a newer house a few months ago and are planning, planning, planning! I almost finished putting my scrapbook room together tonight. A nursery man actually helped me plan a garden, though I forsee lots of changes! I am way new to this blog thing, but hope to get better as the year progresses! Keep having fun!

gardenmomma (Chris) said...

Well, I found your sweet blog courtesy of Garden Voices. Isn't that a wonderful site? I loved hearing all about your wonderful home. We just moved to a "newer" home, though I'm much better suited to an older one with character. We had a nursery man draw a garden plan for us, though I forsee many changes! I look forward to hearing about all of your new adventures. I would have commented on your blog just because, but seeds will work, too! You never know, some may come back your way. I'm new to this blogging thing, but hope to gain some experience over the fall. Keep Blogging!! :) Chris

Carolyn said...

I've been stopping by to spy on your blog ever since I saw it linked on Emme's Simplifying and Reducing blog.

Love the crafts, creativity and freshness of yours!

My last bites of creativity have been making a rainbarrel, gift bags, and guerilla gardening. Just in case you've still got some of those mystery seeds around...

Tina said...

Oooooo! Generous offer :) Am I too late? All seeds gone? Stopping in to say hi! lol
sewobsessed@g_mail.com (obviously without the _ )