
Gardens and Light

Tomorrow will be something of a somber post on a different topic--Monday night my friend and fellow Koinonia Permaculture grad Liam Rattray was hit and killed by a drunk driver.

While everything settles in my heart and mind to truly honor his brief presence in this world, I've found a few images from The Unpretentious Garden group on flickr; a photogroup dedicated to things that I feel capture Liam's very essence: ecology and seizing opportunity.

This group is a place where I can get lost in the images and a giant well of inspiration. If you want to see some shots of our garden (I think they've all been featured on here at one point or another) you can see my garden set here.

Image credits (in order of appearance):


Julia said...

oh renee, that is horrible horrible news. i'm so sorry for your loss.

in other news, these are beautiful gardens! thank you for introducing me to this group- i have a feeling my garden will fit right in here (and that i'll find plenty of inspiration there too!). xo

Ashley said...

So sorry to hear about your friend, Renee ... It sounds like he was a special and intelligent guy who was working to make a difference in the world. I'll be praying for his friends and family.

Jen Ray said...

I'm so sorry Renee. I've been hearing a lot of friends that knew and loved him here in Atlanta talking about this, it's awful.
I didn't know Liam but it definitely seems like he was an amazing guy that touched a lot of people.

Jeana Marie said...

I'm so sorry.