They teamed up to do a look book together for the fall and the result is amazing. Feminine and edgy, delicate and easy. I've been thinking I need re-find my fashion identity. As I lose weight and fit back into old clothes I'd forgotten about way before M was even a twinkle in my eye. I doubt I'll ever dye my hair fuchsia again, my shoes need to be fairly sensible since I abused them wearing support-less sandals through the pregnancy.
I don't really need to scream, "Pay attention to me, I'm different" anymore. But this look, this sort of whispers, "Designy, pretty, and unique."
Please coffee, kick in before I finish this post so I can do these gals justice. So yeah, before I have to bust out the thesaurus to untie my tongue, check out Hound and Cursive.

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