As we've been busy preparing for her arrival, cleaning and laundry have taken over. I still have weekly Dr's appointments, and try to keep the walking/exercise habit up. Then there's making dinner, and winding down to start all over again.
Needless to say, drawing has been pushed to the back burner, but at the second shower I was given a little kick in the pants.
One of the hostesses has my 2009 calendar up in her beach house, and told me how many complements she gets on it. After gushing and blushing and thanking her for making my day, I said, "Yeah, I don't think there will be a calendar this year."
She and a few others agreed there probably wouldn't be one for several years.
Several years??! Ack!! I mean, I understand kids are a distraction and all, but I also hope to think creativity and child-rearing go hand in hand, don't they?
That was the kicker--start making excuses now and they'll be even easier to make in the future, or continue pushing through, keeping the creative exercises alive, even if it means just for an hour or so a day.
How about you? Do you have kids and challenge yourself to stay on top of other passions? No kids but a life full of distractions? How do you quiet the excuses and keep nurturing all of your interests and priorities?
I've convinced myself that we're being the best parents when EZ E sees us doing what we love. It makes us happier and that's what he needs most...happy parents. I'm hoping our many hobbies will encourage our kids to nurture their creative sides and develop hobbies that they truly enjoy. Plus, busy people are always going to be busy- I've found that having kids doesn't change that.
you have to have some sort of outlet. Something to quiet your mind and do just for yourself, and not for anyone else. There will be plenty of "doing for others". I imagine for you it would be something creative:) For others it might be training for a marathon.
Children bring you so much joy, and a bit of frustration too! Having that time to yourself to reconnect to your spirit is essential.
Also, children are proud of their parents like we are of them. We have to keep in mind that we are more than a parent but an individual as well. Think about your parents and what are some of the things that "define" them. I'm sure some of their hobbies or activities shape your perception of them.
And so my novel concludes:) Best of luck!
I think it's definitely important to have a creative outlet, no matter your situation. You may have to be flexible about when and how you are creative--I don't get nearly as much free time as I used to--but you work in as many opportunities as you can.
And you may find your children begin to influence your work... since I've had my daughter, a lot of my "doodling" and photography is about her, because right now she's one of the people I'm most passionate about. :)
Above all, I think it's important to go easy on yourself, especially in those first few months when life is completely turned upside down. Good luck!
Happy mama = happy child. I really believe that. When we're stressed, baby picks up on that. We need to make time to nurture ourselves. It will make us better, more patient, mamas. At least that's the case for me!
But as Caroline said, go easy on yourself, too. The first few months are really, really hard. It's difficult to make time for a haircut, let alone time to create a whole calendar. Once Mabel is sleeping well, you'll have evenings to yourself again!
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