Last night's dinner consisted of a leftover pizza crust, pesto from last year's end of summer stock up, onions*, garlic, and mozzarella cheese*. Tonight will be less exciting--dried beans maybe?

I think I've figured out my food fixation (besides the obvious fact that I like to eat). The kitchen is the only room in our house with a definable purpose, excluding the bathrooms (which also remain fairly clean, relaxing and orderly).
There is only so much space in the room that each item put into the kitchen is well thought out before hand. When items no longer fit, or we recognize their lack of function, they go into one of the give-away boxes; no sad thoughts or struggles to keep them - it's all out of necessity.
Somehow I need to transfer this practice over into the rest of my life. Especially the bedroom. I think my project over the next week and a half is to get that room in order, with function and well-loved items. A few things I'm sure of: it needs to be relaxing, a little bit vintage modern, and easy to keep tidy. As a clutter bug, well, the task seems impossible.
Anyone have any thoughts on how to start this process?
oh - dear. no advice for that one. i've been trying to sort out our bedroom for - i care not admit how long. am a clutter bug married to a clutter bug ... the bedroom is chaos. my best mode of existence is acceptance. but every so often when i'm about to tear out my hair i throw a tantrum and make the boy clutterbug help me clean it up :)
Yeah, we're two clutterbugs in a rug. I think acceptance is key. . .but I haven't accepted that yet.
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