Except the jam recipe used *maybe* a quarter of what I had. Even after snacking I had more than half leftover, so they became a part of our delicious, nutritious French Toast breakfast (homemade strawberry syrup and fresh strawberries on the side).
Then I was down to just under a half gallon; a clafoutis seemed a perfect use (especially after how well the last one was received). Now I have just under 2 cups of berries left and I'm thinking I'll buy another gallon next week.

Cla-fou-what? I made a batch of blueberry clafoutis last year with Gayla's recipe, and C liked them so much I thought it was worth another go. The Strawberry Clafoutis recipe I found was by Clotilde Dusoulier {via NPR}. There were, of course, some substitutions: no almonds since Mr. C is allergic so I used oats and added a half a tablespoon vanilla, no sugar (used if up in strawberry jam) so I used maple syrup, which worked out ok because I also used powdered buttermilk instead of the milk and just didn't add any water.
It's all gone now, so I guess that means it was a hit! I bet actually following the recipe would've made it even better. . .but who needs to follow directions anyway?
What's going on this week friends? We're going Thursday to find out if Critter Baby is a boy or a girl! Whichever it is, it's now the size of a cantaloupe!
oh, i'm drooling reading this. that looks exactly what i want to eat right now at 9:30 am. yum.
good luck thursday...how exciting!
That dish looks amazing! I might have to try it myself. I also picked up strawberries this weekend and made an impromtu dessert by melting chocolate chips in the microwave and dipping the berries. It was quick, easy, and totally tasty... but probably not as good as your creation!
Looks like you're a fantastic cook! I don't think I'd be quite so creative with the strawberries. But, I do love them. I'm going to try to find a pot for my container garden this summer. I love putting a few in vanilla yogurt to go with my coffee in the a.m. Cheers!
Thanks Shayna! I'm very excited about Thursday, I think it will feel much more real then--less like I've just got this uncomfortable belly getting in the way and more like a little member of our family forming :)
JessLC--Do try it! The chocolate sounds like a terrific idea, and every bit as tasty as the clafoutis! You can't go wrong with chocolate, can you?
Avis--I wouldn't say fantastic, but it was a good distraction from needing to clean house! Strawberries in yogurt sounds delicious, too! I've definitely got to get another gallon this weekend!
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