If you were looking for a little button for your site/blog to help promote Peer, copy and past the codes below.
<a href="http://peer.bigcartel.com"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEigytAKHpF52f1UOqCFKeoD2kS4gj9HJz40H02Ak9X2ICHmDUB7NmaVWkHwwErai48UxsqWXHvGocHCqImRc9taNM9PMs9OhqwYOiwX3dtYDTXPPm7x_58Dy2ETN1NrNF41E413/s400/peer2.jpg" width="150"></a><a href="http://peer.bigcartel.com"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgPNOkQ2TwkaOcXi5_Hpc_VH4Ql2LvF5OrqO3ufOocNWcs4HGWUSe_nsv-30AtJoa2MJ6QLq6hnZVkgZy1Xzo6-RLb4U7MwyW4eGEeszxoJT02wBTEDC-1zAUjiyikI4P5P4Bs1/s400/peer1.jpg" width="150"></a>
Thanks so much Krystyn and Kirsten for your help with the code!
Now for some shameless promotion of my own. But for a good cause. :)
Oh hey, your code is wrong?
should be
The closing link tag needs a / and you don't have a paragraph tag, so there's no need for a closing paragraph tag.
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