Renegade Chicago, with one of my favoritest gal pals, September 13 and 14! Woohoo!
Jess--Can we call it the Southern Belle Tour? Cause I think if you're looking at houses, you're officially suh-thurn.
AND. Califone will be playing.
This makes for one very happy girl.
and now some questions of philosophical nature:
Just how attached are you to your cell phone? At the end of the month I'm letting my plan run out. I'll keep the phone for 911 calls, which I'll hopefully never need to use. Did you know even if your cell phone doesn't have service you can still use it for 911?
Anyway, I flounder back and forth thinking "I need it!" then thinking of how long I made it without one. I don't like having to keep up with it, so once the void of "Crap! Where's my phone" is filled, I will feel better. *I think* Could you live without all these gadgets that not so long
Yay! I'm going to come meet you in person!
And since you asked...
I almost never use my cell phone - it drives me crazy to talk on it, and super crazy to talk to people who are on theirs, but I'd feel lost without it.
my only phone is my cel phone, we don't have a house phone, so I kinda need it! I don't talk on it much, but I loooove taking pics with it! I would be lost/unreachable for my mama without it! :)
YAY!!!!!! oh my goodness, i still can't believe we're going. and we can most definitely call it the Southern BElle tour-- I'll need to work on my southern accent first! Since I'm officially southern now and all. :)
And as for cell phones: I'm pretty stuck to mine, but that's because we don't have a land line. But I sure do think they're a big ol' rip off!!
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