
There's not a lot of visible excitement in Sneak-Land.
Some exciting undercurrents include

1) The upcoming Songcatcher Show (with Jess and a whole bunch of other incredible peeps) at Lark and Key,

2) The Handmade Nation fundraiser auction at Poketo (swoon), and

3) Old School at Uppercase.

Then there are the really quiet, virtually invisible moments of excitement, when the strawberries in containers that I forgot to water send up new growth after playing dead. The potatoes and green onions that keep kickin' despite my own ineptitude.

And beautifully magic moments like finding out that grilled apples are even better than they sound. Put just a little feta on top while they're still warm. An indescribable experience.

Probably not the most exciting blog post ever, but I'm a little bleary eyed and feeling quiet.

Tell me what you're doing to enjoy the summer. Where are you finding quiet excitement?


Anonymous said...

Summertime is FOR easy living! I'm excited to try the apple and feta recipe (I'm thinking gorgonzola would be splendid also...)As for me, I've been enjoying the wind in the trees and quiet walks around the lake.

Anonymous said...

good lord, can i move in with you guys?? Those apples look mouth-wateringly delicious!!

Wolfie and the Sneak said...

oooo, yeah, gorgonzola!

Jess, come on up and have a mini-vacation, we'll grill all sorts of veggie deliciousness

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I just found your blog, and it is the sweetest! I love the colors and your posts! And those apples look tasty indeed!

Anonymous said...

oh my lord that sounds awesome!