The work of Puloverchito is so beautiful and poetic. Filled with daydreams and nurturing memories. His descriptions are largely in Portuguese, so I can't really understand them, but the littlest bits of English bring it all together.

This weekend was spent outside wrestling the roots of invasive plants out of the ground--getting rid of Nandina and ivy, as well as some vinca . Four days into it, I've filled the wheel barrow twice, and I'm 75% finished with a 16 square foot area. I'm working on a new bed comprised of drought tolerant plants and divisions from thriving plants around the yard. What went in as far as I can remember: Moss Phlox (division), daffodils (transplant), Wild Four O'clocks (purchase), Appar Blue Flax (purchase), and monkey grass (transplant). (All images except the daffodils via High Country Gardens.)
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