Oh boy, I'm having one of those "The office coffee doesn't taste so good, and I can't seem to stay in one place long enough to drink it anyway" mornings. Maybe that's because me and HiC stayed up late into the night talking about how to keep the kitchen from becoming too country, and successfully integrate our Danish Modern furniture into (what I still hesitate to call "our" for fear of jinxing it) the new house.

If anyone out there is interested in learning to sew, I bought the Built by Wendy book Sew U a little while back but still haven't cracked it open. Since we've decided only to take things we love to the new house, I think I can say this is one thing that doesn't need to travel with us. (I have a feeling you'll be seeing a lot of those things. . .the ones too fantastic to send to the thrift store, but won't fit into our greater scheme of things.)
It's really a great book with patterns included, and step by step simple how-tos for the beginner to somewhat experienced sewer (sew-er not the human waste receptacle). AND I'll be filling up the rest of the box with vintage fabric, to help you along on your way to a fantabulous new wardrobe!

Of course, if you're in the position to spend some money, Decor8 paired up with the wonderful Vitamin D(esign), and they're offering a 20% off discount to Decor8 readers. Don't believe me? Here's a link for yourself! (I want two of those bullet planters in red, hint hint!)
And just to brag a bit--that's my artwork in the montage above--the tillandsia poster.
'Cause there's nothing cooler than kitschy souvenir novelty plants; if you've ever been to Myrtle Beach you know what I mean.
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