I am 22 days away from BlogHer 2007, and I'm getting antsy! I can't wait for the trip, because I'll meet people I've had "virtual" conversations with, I'll network, and I'll LEARN!
All of the other women on the panel are incredibly talented, and one in particular I've mentioned in this little bloggy before: Keri Smith.
Keri, via her wonderfully informative blog, introduced me to the Graphic Artists Guild. If your an artist looking for pointers, go there. NOW. Through etsy, I've had several opportunities to license my work, both for profitable ventures and for free items (business related, wedding invitations, etc.) I know I'm not the only one with these opportunities, so here is a little tidbit from their site that outlines (quite thoroughly) the relationship of buyer and artist. Yes, when you sell a license for reproduction of work you maintain many rights to your work.
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