Who would've known the trip to Georgia (along with the little belly bean) could be so exhausting? Was it the 8+ hour car ride to and from, the quickly formed and deepened friendships or the intensive learning schedule in combination with actually processing the information?
I don't know, it's probably the result of all of the above. But as I resume normalcy (a month later!), the information seems to be clicking in my head, falling in place like a puzzle that solves itself.
Then nap time comes. . .zzzzz.
As I find my footing on the path of life/career, so are some of my fellow permies. Take Kevin, for instance. He sent out an email this week about his new business: Hungry Gnome Gardenscapes. Have you ever met a person with kindness in their eyes and an honesty that seems to send rays of light out into the world? That's Kevin. If his gardens put out half the positive energy he does, well, you're guaranteed something beautiful will happen. Of course, he's in Athens, GA, so either we need to travel to get some good advice, or he needs to take his show on the road! Good luck Kevin!!

As for me, taking this break from art has given me much needed time with the earth, but I'm itchin' to get some new drawings out. Maybe you'll be seeing a bit more of Wolfie and the Sneak again here in the near future!
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