Just in case you're not familiar with Stephanie Levy's work or blog, you should be. You should also know about her new site, Artists Who Blog. She's been interviewing artists for a while, but recently decided to split it off onto a separate site, so lucky us! We can read through (and be inspired by) all the past participants. Coincidentally, we've got a little (Big!) interview with her on there, too!
Coming up February 6 in New Orleans is the Feast Conference hosted by All Day Buffet. If you're not familiar with the idea of social entrepreneurship, here's how ADB describes itself:
Like a record label, we find super-smart people and give them the resources, connections and a collaborative structure they need to turn their ideas into successes. In other words, we remove the roadblocks that keep the best and brightest from executing their world changing ideas. All Day Buffet will be an alternative to traditional venture funds, and offer a new framework for creative entrepreneurs to buck the status-quo.Think you'll be in the area? Want to mingle with do-gooders like yourself? They're offering a generous discount of 10% when you purchase your ticket. Just type in the word "FEAST" at checkout.
1 comment:
Hey! Congratulations! Off to read your interview.
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