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I've talked about this before, but the important pieces I've worked on seem to stick and resurface periodically. Found National Park(ing) day via Smarts & Crafts, and while I know the possiblity for parallel explorations of ideas, there's always a tinge of jealousy; where we were run off by the police (after they threatened to tow our tents), others are praised for it. That amazes me, and miffs me all at the same time. Though I want to offer a big pat on the back to those that made the PARK(ing) project a great success, I still want to whine a little and curiously wonder why they didn't reply when I wrote and told them how much I liked their idea. Oh well. It's good to challenge the idea of public space, and they've certainly done that!
Then there are the tent cars, with a similar thought, from 2004.
I think it's really just an inferiority complex.
Speaking of inferiority complexes, we went to a wedding this past weekend where I ran into an ex. Am I the only one out there who wants to see their former dumper looking miserable and terrible when you see them even so much later in life? And then if they look even better than when you were together, well, that's purely denying the natural order of things, isn't it?
So while I work on this with my emotions, thought I'd tie it in a little bit with ecology: oh the wonders of composting! I made these little diagrams for my Friday Modish post, but liked 'em enough to want to share them with those of you who may not visit me over there.

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