
First off, THANK YOU ALL for voting for me and letting me know you did! It was a great surprise to be a finalist, and even better to feel the love and support flow forth from the responses I've gotten. You have made my week!

On a less mushy note, yesterday I bought a vintage Danish desk off Craigslist and some vintage metal scoops from Flohmarkt.

Poppytalk has a wonderful Must-See list for Renegade Chicago (coming up in 2 weeks). Some of our all-time favorites did: Jess Gonacha (she's such a favorite we'll be sharing a booth!) Tugboat Prints, The Post Family. . .and pretty much everything she mentioned in her post.

Thankfully there's a long weekend just over the horizon, which will give the WatS family some time to draw ourselves back up to par!

And Jessie--maybe there will be a little sneak peek coming up on Monday? Perhaps even sooner. ;)


Anonymous said...

i voted for you and i forgot to email to tell you!! you're totally going to win. and i couldn't believe you weren't on the poppytalk list-- but hopefully more people will come to our booth now. i can't believe it's in 2 weeks! eek!

Jan Halvarson said...

oh no - i totally overlooked yours....eeek! so sorry - going up now!

Rachel@oneprettything.com said...

I've been enjoying your Flickr stream for awhile now. Why did it take me until now to track down your blog? It's SO lovely here!